Entries by Drew Eppley

Upcoming Changes to Division 5

Teams in Division 5 can expect changes for the upcoming Winter / January 2021 Season. All current D5C team captains will be contacted directly and involved in these changes (be it adjusting to a D5B level or working with CAHL for individual player skills etc)… We will be enforcing Division 5 C to be exclusively […]


‍NEW LOWER DRAFT STARTING MONDAY AUGUST 3 7:30 PM ALL GAMES IN AUGUST WILL START 7:30 PM GAMES IN SEPTEMBER WILL START 7:30 PM AND 8:45 PM   ‍LOWER (D5 – D4) ‍Cost: $170 which includes 9 games (referee dues are included) and a jersey Must be 16 years or older You benefit from a set […]

Players Needed Immediately

🏒 We have an immediate need for full-time players in Divisions 2, 3 & 5. We need two full-time goalies in D3. Games start this week! Apply online at https://www.cincyahl.com/player-registration/ or contact Tommy at (513) 604-6777. #Summer2020 #RegularSeason

May 2020 Updates

New Guidelines We will be opening up the leagues starting on May 26th. There will be some safety precautions that come with us opening. First thing, all players will take a forehead temperature when entering the building to ensure there is no fever of any kind. Secondly, all players and spectators must sign a sheet […]

March 2020 Draft Leagues

Updated: 2/25/2020 5:15pm
CAHL Draft Leagues utilize a draft process which is a process where players are placed on teams based on their skill and ability level as determined by the league manager ” The league manager will allocate certain players to teams based on a variety of factors to balance out the teams as much as possible.

Adult Learn to Play Hockey February 2020 – Maximum Registrations Received!

Adobe Post 20200121 ltpblueadult
The CAHL Learn to Play Hockey Camp is back with and Andrew Pokupec starting February 4, 2020. It will be a nine (9) week session held at Northland Ice Center every Tuesday during prime time ice (7:30pm-9pm) for only $180. This includes one (1) hour of group instruction + 30 minute scrimmage time every session.

January 2020 – Players Needed Immediately

We still need players for our D5B & D5C levels for our regular season immediately! Please register now at https://www.cincyahl.com/register/player and be sure to share this article with a friend!

January 2020 Draft League Maxed Out!

The Draft League for January 2020 is maxed out in all divisions. To know when the next registration opens, supscribe at https://www.cincyahl.com/enews or join our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/draftleague/ 

January 2020 Draft Leagues

Updated: 12/23/2019
CAHL Draft Leagues utilize a draft process which is a process where players are placed on teams based on their skill and ability level as determined by the league manager ” The league manager will allocate certain players to teams based on a variety of factors to balance out the teams as much as possible.

November 2019 Draft Leagues

Updated: 10/31/2019
CAHL Draft Leagues utilize a draft process which is a process where players are placed on teams based on their skill and ability level as determined by the league manager ” The league manager will allocate certain players to teams based on a variety of factors to balance out the teams as much as possible.