May 2020 Updates

New Guidelines
We will be opening up the leagues starting on May 26th. There will be some safety precautions that come with us opening. First thing, all players will take a forehead temperature when entering the building to ensure there is no fever of any kind. Secondly, all players and spectators must sign a sheet when entering the building so we know who is in the establishment at all times. Additionally, all players will have to wear a face mask when in the locker room; however, it is optional when you are on the ice underneath your helmets.
Locker rooms will seat nine players max. Additional players will dress in the party rooms at Northland. At Sports Plus floors will be marked and benches will be put down in showers to ensure distance while changing.
NO SHOWERS OR BATHROOMS will be open in locker rooms.

Playoffs will open up on June 3. Playoffs will be played over a one (1) week period. Most games, will be played on the weekend.
It will be like going away to play in a tournament. You will need to pay attention to your games day and time. Due to a busy Saturday and Sunday game schedule all games will have 17:00 minute periods and one 3 minute overtime period of 3 on 3 going to a 3 person shootout in all tied games.

Summer 2020 Season
The new season will start the week of June 12 and we will need all teams interested in playing to sign up as quick as possible. Scheduling this season will be challenging to say the least but we should be able to get a full session in. Please sign up on the website here.
I would like to thank everyone for your understanding and patience with this season.

COVID-19 Update: New Responsible Restart Ohio Opening Dates
May 14, 2020
Beginning Tuesday, May 26, sports leagues in Ohio will be permitted to operate if these leagues can meet required safety protocols. This applies only to non-contact and limited-contact sports.
To ensure that non-contact and limited-contact sports leagues operate in the safest manner possible, Governor DeWine’s Adult and Youth Sports Leagues Advisory Group is creating a detailed list of guidelines and best practices for sports leagues to follow. A full list of mandatory and recommended best practices will be available soon at